Photo by Maeghan Smulders on Unsplash

Mackenzie Weber

I've had an incredibly storied journey,
here are the best parts:

A lot of devs start their journey with simple 'Hello Worlds!' and some basic HTML/CSS, and I am no different. My first 'Hello World' was a batch script I wrote using Notepad and the Windows Command Prompt. Programming was interesting but much too daunting to tackle without a mentor. In high school, I took some HTML/CSS and dove into web design. After being the webmaster for my student government in college, I gained a little more respect for technology and programming. Eventually, I got to BloomTech and began my journey with a strong foot forward!


When it comes to interpersonal skills, debugging technique, as well as some skills not native to web development, I have quite a few. However, here are my tech skills at a glance:

  • svg for HTML5 downloaded from svgporn.comHTML5
  • svg for CSS3 downloaded from svgporn.comCSS3
  • svg for Less downloaded from svgporn.comLess
  • svg for JavaScript downloaded from svgporn.comJavaScript
  • svg for React downloaded from svgporn.comReact
  • svg for Redux downloaded from svgporn.comRedux
  • svg for NodeJS downloaded from svgporn.comNodeJS
  • svg for ExpressJS downloaded from svgporn.comExpressJS
  • svg for GraphQL downloaded from svgporn.comGraphQL
  • svg for Python downloaded from svgporn.comPython
  • svg for Netlify downloaded from svgporn.comNetlify
  • svg for Heroku downloaded from svgporn.comHeroku

My Projects

Whether on a team, or by myself, I've built a few things I'm incredibly proud of, here are a few of them.

Student Artco Logo

Student Art Collection

Link to Frontend | Link to Backend

Tech stacks utilized: React | GraphQL | Apollo | Heroku | ExpressJS | Node

A web merchant application (with Android/IOS ports) for high schools to sell artwork made by students.

  • Collaborated on, developed and maintained the hosted backend
  • Developed the merchant account frontend portion
  • The first app developed at BloomTech that turned a profit (for charity)
Lamda Lifts Logo

Lambda Lifts

Link to Github Repo

Tech stacks utilized: React | Netlify | Node | ExpressJS | HTML | CSS

A React-based weight lifting progress journal.

  • Managed a team of 7 people, making sure students stayed on task and kept up-to-date notes
  • Developed the backend within two days time, to ensure that other students had support
  • Collaborated with the frontend team to produce a functioning application and brought it to presentation
Simpsons Says Logo

Simpsons Says

Link to Github Repo

Tech stacks utilized: HTML | CSS | JavaScript

A React-based quote generator that delivers random lines from The Simpsons™

  • Developed the marketing page for the application
  • Collaborated on the design of the logo
  • Imported LESS as well as a few JS animations

Want To Get In Touch?

I am always open to any outreach regarding my background or questions regarding my projects. I am also looking for full-time employment!

Say Hello!